Excerpt From The Fix Your Depression Handbook

Beating Depression, and Learning How Powerful You Can Be: Embracing “I Can”

For those unwilling to surrender, all the wonders of the world are waiting to be embraced.

By Faust Ruggiero, M.S.

Some of the most amazing accomplishments in human history were made by people who failed repeatedly, refused to give up, and eventually embraced the joy of a successful venture. You do not need to have depression to be derailed by unforeseen events, planning that did not incorporate all the necessary information, and good old human error. Anyone can experience difficulty, failure, and motivation issues that can make sticking with a task seem like a monumental effort. Unsuccessful attempts to do something, in addition to falling short of your goal, can have two important positive defining benefits:

1. They provide more information about what needs to be done to correct what you did wrong in the initial attempts. This helps you refine your approach, increasing your potential for success in future attempts to reach your goal.

Each time you try something, are unsuccessful, and then try it again, you can become stronger and more confident, providing you are willing to continue. If you do, you will learn more about the process of not giving up.

This is precisely the philosophy you need to use In your fight to beat your depression. Your mind can be inundated with the intellectual and emotional fallout from failed past attempts as you attempted to rid yourself of depression. In the past, when you tried something and either lacked motivation to start or, after a few small steps, decided your present attempt was a failure, you quit and returned to the life thief’s dismal prison. In short, and understandably so, quitting was always a possible part of your plan. That changes now. It I so important to remove the word quit from your internal language, and replace it with a formula that can keep you focused on the program you need to defeat the depression life thief.

Never attempt to thought your depression alone. A personal counselor is important, as is your personal care physician. They can help you with the physical and mental aspects depression causes, and help you develop a plan to fight this debilitating disorder. Also, identify those people in your life who might be willing to help you come and be there for you when you need them. It only takes a few. Do everything in your power to remove the aloneness from your life that depression causes. Let others in. Nothing about depression is easy, but nothing about depression is impossible. Be willing to let others help you move it into and more happy and productive part of your life.

The 10 Principles for Program Persistence
1. Use positive language, and nothing but positive language.
2. Identify the people who can help you such as your doctor, and close friends. Always make them part of what you are thinking and feeling. Be willing to let them help you.
3. Approach every part of the plan and every little step you take with an attitude that says, “I will do what it takes to make something good happen every day.”
4. Let go of past trials and unsuccessful ventures. That is in the past. Try to learn from those attempts and focus all your efforts on what you are doing today.
5. Involve yourself in it counseling program, and never skip a counseling session. At the end of every session, make sure you know what you must do to help move your plan forward.
6. Each day, include little periods of action into what you are doing. It does not matter what you do; just keep your body moving.
7. Learn to say no to the life thief. You are working with small steps. Your depression will want you to check out and do nothing. Refuse the urge. Push yourself and get back to your plan.
8. If you are having trouble with your plan, contact your counselor or your advocate and get that little push you need to keep going.
9. Always think of yourself as capable and worthy of the time it takes to dispel the life thief from your life.
10. Have a plan for every day. Journal about what you have done and your plan for your next little step. Let everyone in your network know what you are doing. This helps to secure the success you are working toward.

Becoming Your Own Powerful Person
Becoming a powerful person has less to do with conquering the life thief than it does with learning the process to do so. Many people focus their efforts on the grandiose end result they are dying to see happen. The only way to get to that end result is by developing your plan, sticking with it, and maintaining accountability and commitment to make it come to fruition. Power is about acquiring the information you need about any given subject and learning how to turn that information into action without quitting.

Power does not have to say, “I did it.” It only has to say, “I know I can, and I will..” It does not know negative self-language, and it does not understand how to quit. Power understands that there will be difficult times and little failures along the way. By staying consistent with the process and never quitting, power understands how to assert itself. It does not doubt itself, and it believes that no matter what comes along, it possesses the ability to create success.

So, be willing to accept the challenge. It doesn’t matter if the work is hard, and it doesn’t matter if it takes longer than you would like it to. The only thing that matters is that you stay in the game. Again, you are not the only player in the game anymore. You have a team of people who understand the dynamics of depression and how to help you defeat this unwanted life-stealing nemesis.

The truth of the matter is that regardless of what you elect to do, you are going to be uncomfortable. You can choose to be uncomfortable in the company of the life thief, drowning in darkness, or you can choose to be uncomfortable surrounded by people who love you, want to support you, and have the expertise to help you come as you fight your battle against depression. That choice is yours and yours alone. Be unwilling to quit. Be willing to stick with your treatment program and learn the process that can empower you. It's time to step out of the darkness and into a brilliant new light.

Never Give Up
A more powerful version of you is waiting. Keep in mind that how you wage war will define your power. A tenacious and unwavering battle will move you past those little failures and help you find your way into the success you are looking for. This is a war you are going to wage one battle at a time, one step at a time. You Don't have to be alone on the battlefield. There are people who are in your corner deeply care about you and are there to help you become successful and happy. They are invaluable. Keep them close.

Never, ever quit. If you get discouraged, call in reinforcements. The biggest key is that when you need help, you must get it fast. Don’t just think about getting help, and don’t assume either people don’t want to hear about it or may not want to be there for you. None of that is true. Do not procrastinate when it comes to getting help. Wage war. Never surrender. Keep your reinforcements close and introduce yourself to the powerful new you. Never forget that you are a beautiful person, and you are worth all the time and the effort it takes to feel good about yourself and your world.

Your declaration is: I will never quit. I am powerful!

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